Friday's Digest #105
How to Establish Connections in Your Early Career
In the age of social media, it seems that we can easily reach anyone and broaden our network.
But it’s actually harder than ever.
Here’s how to solve it.
August 30th, 2024
Friday's Digest - The Newsletter for Doctors & Scientists
For two decades, I've been developing tools that have improved my practice in medicine, dentistry, and scientific research.
Join me every Friday to discover a new tool you can integrate into your workflow as a doctor, a scientist, or both.
I believe in sharing knowledge, embracing automation, boosting productivity, and finding joy in the process.
Table of Contents
Main Article
Readers’ Favorite
Something happened after the Covid-19 pandemic.
We’ve become more distant.
We hardly shake hands anymore, let alone hug or kiss.
Healthy people walk around with masks, and working from home has become the goal.
On the other hand, social media has made a significant leap.
People are connecting there, and many have several social media apps on their phones.
(By the way, if you think you don’t have social media apps, let me remind you that WhatsApp and YouTube are also considered social media. So is the comments section on news sites.)
And here lies the problem.
People are bombarded with so many posts and “connections” that they don’t have any energy left for real connections: in-person meetings, emails, and direct messages.
Today’s newsletter is not about how social media is bad for you.
It’s about how early-career doctors and scientists can establish REAL connections in this “social” media era.
Number 105!
Let’s do this!
Main Article
I’m at an international conference, and I attend a lecture about immunotherapy for head and neck cancer.
A lecture that changed my life.
I have been following this field for years, but there I saw, for the first time, real-world unpublished results.
At that moment, I KNEW this is exactly what I want to do.
Now What?
How do I make this dream come true?
First, my mentor, who is my department chief, established the connection. He did that IN-PERSON. He talked about me with my soon-to-be immunotherapy mentor.
From there, I had to write an email and consult with my mentor every step of the way.
Because when you’re just starting, you make stupid mistakes.
Mine was to write that I’m considering a fellowship in 5 years (after medical school) instead of in 2 (right after residency).
Why stupid?
Because you can’t know what will happen in 5 years.
You must seize the opportunities as they come.
I was lucky my mentor caught it very early in the process, and we fixed it.
From there, I scheduled a meeting with my soon-to-be immunotherapy mentor.
I took a week off work and flew 15 hours.
And then I visited him again.
And again.
Three times in one year!
Then, I became a research fellow in immunology. And then med school. And then another fellowship.
Everything was made possible because of the initial steps.
The help from my mentor established the connection, followed by in-person meetings, and sacrifices of time ⏳and money 💰.
Let’s elaborate on this magic trio 3️⃣:
👨🏫 Mentor
In your early career, you need a mentor to kickstart your connection. It means writing the first email, or talking about you with your future connection.
Then, and only then, it will be in your hands.
Can you do it without your mentor?
Anything's possible, but it will be EXTREMELY hard.
So, if you have a choice, DON’T waste your time trying to kickstart it yourself.
Ask a renowned colleague (preferably a mentor) to help you in the early stages.
🤝 In-Person Meetings
I can’t stress it enough:
You CAN’T replace in-person meetings.
Email, direct messages, video calls, and social media are all nice alternatives, but none comes close to in-person meetings.
In-person meetings are unrehearsed, raw, and authentic.
You can’t edit them, and you can’t rewind them to reread them. They contain body language, facial expressions, and jokes.
Remember: the person you want to connect with is BOMBARDED with emails, social media posts, and text messages.
This person will have one goal when going over their inbox:
To EMPTY the inbox.
In other words, to get rid of your email.
The in-person meeting lets you bypass the inbox and leave a true impression.
⏳💰Time and Money
And that brings us to our last point.
Which is usually the one that people find the hardest.
Finding the time and money for in-person meetings.
I’m not going to be your financial advisor or scheduler.
But let me just say 2 things:
1️⃣ The best return on your money is not by investing in stocks or the bank.
The best return on your money is if you invest it IN YOURSELF.
In other words, paying for a plane ticket and a hotel for a meeting will increase your earning capability in the future.
2️⃣ You can bundle family vacations with work meetings.
This way, you add a little money to the planned work trip, and you gain a family vacation.
Happy connecting!
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Is Not Having Enough Sleep Bad for You?
After enduring 26-36 hour shifts hundreds of times, I've experienced the effects of sleep deprivation firsthand. What have I learned?
Read it here and find out!
Sometimes, you need to take your laptop and nothing else. Maybe just your keys and phone.
I like this sleeve bag because the handle is on the side, it’s very thin, but has enough room to put in extra items.
The zippers are robust, and it’s not expensive.
I keep it rolled up in my bag and take it out whenever I need it.
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That’s it for this issue.
Hope for better times.