Friday's Digest #72
Hush Hour: The Power of Silence in a Busy Life
Discover the power of quiet time.
Not just a break, but a necessity.
January 12th, 2024
Friday's Digest - The Newsletter for Doctors & Scientists
For two decades, I've been developing tools that have improved my practice in medicine, dentistry, and scientific research.
Join me every Friday to discover a new tool you can integrate into your workflow as a doctor, a scientist, or both.
I believe in sharing knowledge, embracing automation, boosting productivity, and finding joy in the process.
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Table of Contents
Main Article
Readers’ Favorite
This week, I released a video many people have been asking for:
My tips for studying for the TOEFL.
The TOEFL is an exam testing your English as a requirement for many fellowship programs and obtaining a working or a student VISA.
When I had a 25-minute break this week, I took advantage of it and sat down with my laptop to film it.
It went much more smoothly than my previous video, primarily because I used Apple's Keynote instead of Microsoft PowerPoint.
Keynote is a fantastic software - it's easy to use, and has excellent designs and animations. I will definitely use it more often from now on.
After I release videos and post online, people always take advantage of the opportunity to leave inappropriate comments.
These comments are not always related to what I write or film and tend to be political.
There have been so many more comments since the war broke out.
Fortunately, YouTube provides a good mechanism that allows me to filter and delete these comments, which is much better than what social media platforms offer.
I suppose online creators must accept it as part of the deal.
In any case, for those who need to take the TOEFL before moving to an English-speaking country, check out my video and avoid the mistakes I made.
Today's topic is about something that is missing from our lives: Quiet time.
Number 72.
Let’s do this.
Main Article
Have you ever noticed how some of your best ideas come up while you shower?
Why is that?
The answer is simple: Quiet time.
When you shower, it’s only you and the water. You can’t hear anything, you don’t have your phone or even a book.
Quiet time. Moments where ideas breed and you experience calmness.
But it's not just the shower. It's while you're strolling through the park, jogging on the street, or even daydreaming on a bench.
Why Quiet Time is the Ultimate Creative Tool
Look at the world's leading hi-tech spaces, like Google's headquarters. They are packed with leisure zones, gardens, and lounges.
Because creativity cannot thrive in constant noise or busyness. It needs space.
Some of the most innovative research labs have recognized this too.
But here's a personal confession: I barely have any quiet time.
My day is a marathon from one task to another. And I know many of you relate.
The two hours a day I’m spending on the train or bus? They're filled with reading, writing, studying, and planning. It's productive, sure. But it's not quiet.
After 3.5 years of this relentless pace, I've realized what's missing: Silence.
I miss it for my soul and my creativity. And I bet many of you do too.
Crafting Quiet Time: A How-To Guide
How can you incorporate quiet time into your busy schedule?
Here are some suggestions:
🔵 Schedule It
Just as you would schedule a meeting.
Block out time on your schedule for silence. Even 15 minutes can make a difference.
🔵 Go Out
Find a forest path, a quiet street, or a cozy corner in a cafe.
The setting matters.
🔵 Arrange Your Workspace
A comfortable chair, a small indoor plant, or even a simple desk setup can invite moments of pause and reflection.
I like a couch, a coffee table, and a whiteboard on the wall in front of me.
Readers’ Favorite
For all my colleagues who are applying for fellowships and planning their move:
📱Application I use - Canva
A user-friendly tool for creating visuals.
It’s free and suitable for both beginners and professionals.
That’s it for this issue.
Hope for better times